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Groups: jQueryDV, Registered Joined: 8/7/2014(UTC) Posts: 9
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Received the file - I hate to say it, but it hasn't fixed the issue. Here is my code: Code:function genChart() { $('#fpschartdiv').jqChart({ title: { text: 'Frames Per Second (FPS)', font: '18px sans-serif' }, axes: [{ location: 'bottom', zoomEnabled: true, labels: { resolveOverlappingMode: 'hide', }, visibleMinimum: 1, visibleMaximum: 70 }], border: { strokeStyle: '#6ba851' }, background: '#FFFFFF', tooltips: { type: 'shared' }, crosshairs: { enabled: true, hLine: false, vLine: { strokeStyle: '#cc0a0c' } }, series: [] }); setupFPSChart() }
function setupFPSChart() { var series = $('#fpschartdiv').jqChart('option', 'series'); $.ajax({ url: '<?php echo $api;?>/appServer/gbReader/Session/fpsvals/<?php echo $hash;?>/', dataType: 'json', success: function(data2) { var newSeries = { type: 'line', title: "Frames Per Second", data: convertFPS(data2), xValuesField: { name: 'timestamp', }, yValuesField: { name: 'fpsValue', type: 'numeric', }, markers: null } series.push(newSeries); var median = { type: 'line', title: 'Median FPS', data: convertMed(data2), xValuesField: { name: 'timestamp', }, yValuesField: { name: 'median', type: 'numeric' }, markers: null } series.push(median); $('#fpschartdiv').jqChart('update'); } }); $('#fpschartdiv').bind('dataPointMouseDown', function (e, data) { var secs = backToSeconds(data.dataItem[0]); updateSS(<?php echo $hash;?>,secs); }); $('#fpschartdiv').bind('tooltipFormat', function (e, data) { return "Time: "+data[0].x+"<br />FPS: "+data[0].y+ "<br />Median FPS: "+data[1].y; }); }