When I update a chart (with axis titles), a chart disappears and the following error is output to the console.
Code:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ctx' of undefined
at bb._measure (jquery.jqChart.min.js:9)
at F._measure (jquery.jqChart.min.js:9)
at r._measure (jquery.jqChart.min.js:9)
at e._measure (jquery.jqChart.min.js:9)
at e.update (jquery.jqChart.min.js:9)
at e._setOptions (jquery.jqChart.min.js:9)
at e._processOptions (jquery.jqChart.min.js:9)
at n.fn.init.update (jquery.jqChart.min.js:9)
at n.fn.init.a.fn.jqChart (jquery.jqChart.min.js:9)
at <anonymous>:1:16
I found this behavior in my system and you can see similar behavior by following operation:
1. Access
2. Input below and press [Enter] from the console.
Code:> $('#jqChart').jqChart('update');
Do you have an idea of workaround?
Environment: jqChart v4.1.0.0 / Windows7 x64 / IE11(11.0.9600) / Chrome(61.0.3163.100)