I need the labels to get displayed for my stock chart. I have a combinations chart which has line and stock. Labels are getting displayed for line but not getting displayed for stock.
Please find my code for series below:
var abp = {
id: 'ibp',
type: 'stock',
title: 'Blood Pressure',
axisY: 'ybp',
axisX: 'xhour',
data: bp,
labels: {
font: '11px sans-serif',
fillStyle: '#cc0000'
var atemp = {
id: 'itemp',
type: 'line',
title: 'Temperature',
axisY: 'ytemp',
axisX: 'xhour',
data: temp,
labels: {
font: '11px sans-serif',
fillStyle: '#ff9900'
var ytemp = {
name: 'ytemp',
location: 'left',
minimum: 80,
maximum: 106,
interval: 2,
strokeStyle: '#ff9900',
majorGridLines: {
visible: false
title: {
text: 'Temperature',
font: '10px sans-serif',
fillStyle: '#ff9900'
var ybp = {
name: 'ybp',
location: 'left',
minimum: 50,
maximum: 230,
interval: 10,
strokeStyle: '#cc0000',
majorGridLines: {
visible: false
title: {
text: 'Blood Pressure',
font: '10px sans-serif',
fillStyle: '#cc0000'
var x1 = {
type: 'line',
location: 'bottom',
type: 'dateTime',
intervalType: 'hours',
minimum: new Date(syear, smonth - 1,
sdate, 00),
maximum: new Date(syear, smonth - 1,
sdate, 23, 59),
labels: {
stringFormat: '(mm/dd) HH:MM',
// angle: -90
interval: 4,
name: 'xhour',
majorGridLines: {
visible: true,
strokeStyle: '#DCDCDC',
lineWidth: 2,
interval: 4
title: {
text: '(Date) Time',
font: '10px sans-serif'
var temp=[[new Date(2012, 2-1, 1,3), 70],
[new Date(2012, 2-1, 1,5), 82],
[new Date(2012, 2-1, 1,7), 85],
[new Date(2012, 2-1, 1,9), 70],
[new Date(2012, 2-1, 1,11), 65],
[new Date(2012, 2-1, 1,14), 68]];
var bp=[[new Date(2012, 2-1, 1,3), 90,140],
[new Date(2012, 2-1, 1,5), 82,120],
[new Date(2012, 2-1, 1,7), 85,110],
[new Date(2012, 2-1, 1,9), 70,100],
[new Date(2012, 2-1, 1,11), 65,120],
[new Date(2012, 2-1, 1,14), 68,150]];
// animation: { duration: 1 },
paletteColors: {
type: 'customColors',
customColors: seriesColor
legend: {
visible: false,
border: {
lineWidth: 0
axes: [x1 ,ytemp ,ybp ],
series: [atemp ,abp ],
crosshairs: {
enabled: true,
hLine: false,
vLine: {
strokeStyle: 'black'
Please Help