You can render just a single bar with:
Code: <jqChart:Chart ID="Chart1" Width="200px" Height="300px" runat="server">
<Legend Visible="false"></Legend>
<Animation Enabled="True" Duration="00:00:01" />
<jqChart:LinearAxis Location="Left" LineWidth="0" Minimum="0" Maximum="100">
<Labels Visible="false"></Labels>
<MajorTickMarks Visible="false"></MajorTickMarks>
<MajorGridLines Visible="false"></MajorGridLines>
<jqChart:CategoryAxis Location="Bottom" LineWidth="0">
<Labels Visible="false"></Labels>
<MajorTickMarks Visible="false"></MajorTickMarks>
<jqChart:StringValue Value="Label" />
<jqChart:DoubleValue Value="70" />
We have big plans for creating a full set of data visualization controls – gauges, sparklines, geographic map, treemap, etc. So requirements like yours will be created with easy.
You can check our gauges samples:, we still don't have ASP.NET Web Forms Wrappers for them, but we’re working on this.
Best Regards,
Dragan Matek
jqChart Inc.