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Dragan, This is better but axis.actualVisibleMinimum and axis.actualVisibleMaximum do not point to the cursor locations. The candle stick chart does display correctly when zoomed the dates pointed to by axis.actualVisibleMinimum and axis.actualVisibleMaximum are not the same as the selected points. Here is my code Code: var candleDataBASE = [ ['2014-03-11', 188.71, 186.8, 188.44, 187.23], ['2014-03-10', 188.23, 187.08, 187.97, 188.16], ['2014-03-07', 188.96, 187.43, 188.96, 188.26], ['2014-03-06', 188.61, 187.78, 188.21, 188.18], ['2014-03-05', 188.07, 187.45, 187.74, 187.75], ['2014-03-04', 187.98, 186.75, 186.79, 187.58], ['2014-03-03', 185.45, 183.75, 184.65, 184.98], ['2014-02-28', 187.15, 185.05, 185.79, 186.29], ['2014-02-27', 185.87, 184.37, 184.58, 185.82], ['2014-02-26', 185.6, 184.33, 185.11, 184.85], ['2014-02-25', 185.59, 184.23, 185.06, 184.84], ['2014-02-24', 186.15, 184.2, 184.28, 184.91], ['2014-02-21', 184.89, 183.8, 184.45, 183.89], ['2014-02-20', 184.52, 182.6, 183.27, 184.1], ['2014-02-19', 184.95, 182.87, 183.76, 183.02], ['2014-02-18', 184.49, 183.65, 184.18, 184.24], ['2014-02-14', 184.36, 182.67, 182.84, 184.02], ['2014-02-13', 183.2, 180.83, 180.84, 183.01], ['2014-02-12', 182.83, 181.71, 182.25, 182.07], ['2014-02-11', 182.44, 180.04, 180.16, 181.98], ['2014-02-10', 180.07, 179.21, 179.7, 180.01], ['2014-02-07', 179.87, 177.73, 178.31, 179.68], ['2014-02-06', 177.48, 175.22, 175.58, 177.48], ['2014-02-05', 175.56, 173.71, 174.78, 175.17], ['2014-02-04', 175.84, 174.11, 174.95, 175.39], ['2014-02-03', 178.37, 173.83, 177.97, 174.17] ];
function parseDate(date) { var items = date.split('-'); var yr = parseInt(items[0]); var mn = parseInt(items[1]); var da = parseInt(items[2]); var theDate = new Date(parseInt(items[0]), parseInt(items[1]) - 1, parseInt(items[2])); return new Date(parseInt(items[0]), parseInt(items[1]) - 1, parseInt(items[2])); }
function drawCandle() { for (var i = 0; i < candleDataBASE.length; i++) { var date = parseDate(candleDataBASE[i][0]); // convert string to date structure var high = candleDataBASE[i][1]; var low = candleDataBASE[i][2]; var open = candleDataBASE[i][3]; var close = candleDataBASE[i][4]; candleData.push([date, high, low, open, close]); }
$('#chartCandle').jqChart({ legend: { visible: false }, height: 512, grid: { drawGridlines: true }, crosshairs: { snapToDataPoints: true, enabled: true, vLine: { strokeStyle: '#cc0a0c' } }, axes: [{ type: 'linear', location: 'left', zoomEnabled: false, width: 50, labels: { stringFormat: '$%d', font: '12px sans-serif' } }, { type: 'dateTime', location: 'bottom', skipEmptyDays: true, zoomEnabled: true }], series: [{ type: 'candlestick', data: candleData, priceUpFillStyle: 'green', priceDownFillStyle: 'red', strokeStyle: 'black' }] }); }
$('#chartCandle').bind('axisZoom', function (e, data) { var axis = data.axis; var chart = $('#chartCandle').jqChart('chart'); var minX = axis.actualVisibleMinimum; var maxX = axis.actualVisibleMaximum;
var highMark = -99999; var lowMark = 99999; var series = chart.series.items[0]; var highDateSelected; var lowDateSelected;
var minMark = 99999999999999999; var maxMark = 99999999999999999; var minDate; var maxDate;
for (var i = 0; i < candleData.length; i++) { var dataItem = candleData[i]; var xVal = dataItem[0].getTime();
var a1 = Math.abs(xVal - minX); if (a1 < minMark) { minMark = a1; minDate = dataItem[0].toDateString(); } var a2 = Math.abs(maxX - xVal); if (a2 < maxMark) { maxMark = a2; maxDate = dataItem[0].toDateString(); } if (xVal >= minX && xVal <= maxX) { if (dataItem[1] > highMark) { highMark = dataItem[1]; } if (dataItem[2] < lowMark) { lowMark = dataItem[2]; } } } });